Welcome to Hunter Bettas!


I'm a swedish keeper and breeder of Betta Splendens (Siamese Fighting Fish), primarily focused on halfmoons but every once in a while the odd plakat or crowntail makes its way into the ranks, or tanks, as it were.


I've been a betta keeper for many years but only started breeding about four years ago, originally on a very small scale. After a relocation and a restart Hunter Bettas is now back on track from our new home on the northern outskirts of Stockholm. At this point much of the breeding is directed towards establishing my own line of high quality bettas, with nice even characteristics; therefore form and finnage tend to take presidence over colour and patterns; not said that I don't lean towards blacks and marble dragons whenever the oppertunity presents itself. "Bling-bling" bettas are my Achilles' heel - there's just something funny about a fish that can be deep blue one week only to turn almost pure white the next! In fact, the many variations in shapes and colours are what first attracted me to bettas, that and their inherited sweet predisposition; who can resist someone who's always pissed to see you in the morning?

My plans for the future include a halfmoon marble line based on "blue fire" dragons and a line of black based halfmoons; be they red, yellow or blue, I can't quite decide, but stick around and find out!